How Does FineThanx Work- The Details

All listed calls below will be a pair of calls if 2 numbers have been provided.

A call goes out to a Loved One at scheduled time:

If #1 is pressed that means all is well, and an email is sent to each member of the Care Circle informing them their Loved One is OK.

If the Loved One does not answer the call, then 30 minutes later the Loved One is called a second time. If there is still no response we wait another 30 minutes, and try one last time.

If your Loved One presses #2 or has been unreachable after the 3 attempts (over the course of one hour) then FineThanx will alert the Care Circle by calling the first person in the Care Circle.

If first person in Care Circle is unreachable or presses #2 we will contact the 2nd person right away, if they are unreachable or presses #2 we will contact the 3rd person in the Care Circle. If no one is reachable or agrees to follow-up by pressing #1 then FineThanx waits 10 minutes, and then repeats the process again. We do this a total of 3 times.

At any point a Care Circle member agrees to follow-up, an email, and text message (if enabled) goes out to everyone in the Care Circle letting them know the status. If no one has agreed to follow-up we also email, and text the Care Circle letting everyone know that there is a problem.

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